Drupal is a content management system (CMS) with many advantages, including:
SecurityDrupal has a proactive security strategy that involves identifying and investigating potential vulnerabilities, and then publishing updates and patches to the user community. Some say Drupal is more secure than WordPress.
ScalabilityDrupal allows you to add pages to a website without making major changes to the code, and in some cases, without changing any code at all. This allows your website to handle more users and traffic surges.
FlexibilityDrupal is compatible with many hosting environments.
AccessibilityDrupal’s features conform to World Wide Web Consortium guidelines for accessibility, so that all users can have a good experience, regardless of their device or capabilities.
MultilingualismDrupal’s core has built-in support for multiple languages, which makes it a good choice for businesses that want to reach global audiences.
Content creationDrupal can help users create and maintain different types of content, such as blogs, vlogs, podcasts, and statistics.
PerformanceDrupal is designed to be efficient and can handle heavy traffic loads, outperforming other open source platforms like WordPress.
Mobile firstDrupal 8 is designed with mobile in mind first, and then modified for PC. This can result in a cleaner, more focused, and more usable design.